This past February, we asked if your brand should be on Pinterest. Since then, the popular social networking site has made it even easier for businesses to join. Last Tuesday, Pinterest introduced new tools designed to assist new and existing business accounts and differentiate business accounts from individual user accounts. Businesses are invited to create a business account that utilizes the newly developed tools. Those with already existing accounts will have the option to convert their account to a new business account.
100% certified

Much like Twitter’s certification process, businesses are given the option to verify their account. Businesses must submit their website address to
Pinterest for approval and, when verified, will be given a “red check” seal of approval.
This small checkmark, made iconic via Twitter, offers new opportunities for businesses. Foremost, a Pinterest certified business account reassures the business’s followers that they are, in fact, who they say they are. As a result, more Pinterest users will be prone to follow a certified account than a non-certified business account. In addition, a Pinterest certification makes a company’s business account easier to find. Certified accounts appear higher up in the search results, increasing the businesses prominence in the Pinterest world.
buttons, links, widgets, oh my!
Aside from the new certification process, Pinterest introduced new buttons and widgets that businesses can use on their website. “Pin It” and “Follow” buttons are available for businesses to place on their websites that will link Internet users back to their Pinterest account. In addition, businesses have the option to incorporate a profile widget, which features the last 30 pins on their business account, or board widget, which features 30 pins from a particular Pinterest board, on their website.
These buttons and widgets serve as invitations for Pinterest and Internet users alike to follow a company’s profile. The “Pin It” button gives users the option to pin a photograph from a company’s website to their own personal Pinterest account. Consequently, the pins created from other Pinterest users will link back to a company’s website and, thus, expanding the company’s Pinterest reach. Likewise, the widgets use visuals to entice and engage users to follow the company’s Pinterest account. These unique links give Pinterest and non-Pinterest users insights on the company’s Pinterest accounts.
relevant resources
Pinterest also announced its newly published case studies. These resources outline how companies found success on the social networking site and offer guidance on how to use the website to its potential. Businesses old and new to Pinterest can use these case studies and guides as a reference to successful Pinterest marketing.
Pinterest has opened up a new market for businesses. With its latest business-centric tools, Pinterest can increase a company’s influence and make it much easier to reach their target audience and see results.