Whether introducing a cutting-edge biomedical device, oilfield pump, or even a fun app to find the hippest food trucks, the success of your product launch will depend on a thoughtful communications plan.
Developing a communications strategy months in advance is critical to helping you identify the key messages and product positioning in addition to the media channels in which your company will focus its PR blitz.
A successful plan will integrate public relations, social media, video and content within the advertising and digital marketing strategy. But integrating these various departments doesn’t guarantee success, you will need to consider some other factors to make your launch successful:

Tell a story that sticks

You will need to tell a story that resonates with your industry’s key influences as well as the end users of your product. Know what differentiates your product from the previous version as well as the competing products in the marketplace. Develop a plan for how you will position this product.
Although it may not be a disruptive piece of technology, perhaps it features a simple yet elegant solution that improves the user experience. Tell that story and tell it well.

Create a Winning Press Kit

Now that you have figured out the key messages, it’s time to write a press release with the critical pieces of information that tell your story. But remember, your press release is only as good as the media you target. That’s where a solid editorial calendar that identifies key journalists will be critical.
Also knowing when and how to approach B2B trade publications versus mainstream media publications in your hometown will go a long way in getting results.

Find the Right Media Channels

Identify your key B2B publications. Read these publications and learn how the editors and writers treat new products. Look at how those publications share and distribute information and articles on social media platforms so you can help share your new product information while engaging with both journalists and end users on social media. Additionally, you can find ways to repurpose the press release and product descriptions as you incorporate them into a content marketing strategy with blogs to explain the benefits of using your product.

Encourage and Monitor Product Reviews

And last by definitely not least: Be prepared to ship your products to key journalists and bloggers in order to get some reviews. Be sure your product is ready to undergo intense scrutiny. When those favorable reviews begin trickling in, you will have more material and links to share on social media channels. Additionally, these reviews will be critical to gaining attention from journalists seeking an independent review as they evaluate your PR pitches.