To tweet or not to tweet? That is the question several businesses face these days, and understandably so. The success of Twitter is undeniable. Everyone from Britney Spears to PETA is tweeting about their likes, lives and favorite issues. But is tweeting worth your company’s time?
The answer to this question is a resounding, “Yes,” depending on how you plan to use Twitter.

Businesses and celebrity personalities alike use Twitter as a megaphone to gain loyal fans and customers, drive traffic to their websites and promote online sales and promotions. With its low cost and potentially high rate of return, Twitter has evolved beyond a simple conversation enabler into an effective device with which to deliver sophisticated marketing strategy. It should not be surprising then, to learn that Twitter’s marketing benefits extend beyond the World Wide Web.
the e-world meets the real world
While Twitter provides valuable enhancement and visibility to your business online, there are four key ways in which Twitter impacts your business’ offline activities as well:

  1. Twitter keeps a finger on your company’s pulse. How did your new commercial go over with your target audience? Which product is customers’ absolute favorite? How could your customer service be improved? Read what fans, foes and employees say about your business. Whether the feedback is good or bad, resolve to use it constructively to more effectively plan future business operations and strategies.
  2. Twitter helps you establish real world relationships. Create meaningful dialogue with your followers and those who you follow. Provide mutual value with your Twitter feed and you take the first step towards forging new business relationships. When you connect with thought leaders and engage in interesting, dynamic e-rapport, logic often dictates that you eventually take those relationships to the next level and schedule live meet ups or Tweetups. These real world meetings could be how you find your newest business partners or employees or your most vocal supporters.
  3. Twitter packs the seats. – Having a corporate meeting or a public event or lecture? Get the word out via Twitter. Twitter’s a great way to make sure you fans know about all of your business’ upcoming events. Use the feed platform to give them the complete 4-1-1 and encourage them to buy tickets, invite friends and show up.
  4. Twitter lets you keep an eye on what your competition is doing. Follow or check in with your competitors. Notice how they conduct their own interactions and what, if anything they’re saying about you. Carefully evaluate what they’re doing and plan to respond accordingly. Whether it’s with a new product promotion, a transparency-enhancing press release or revamped brand enhancers, do what you can to make sure you stay one step ahead in the industry.

tweet all about it
Twitter allows you to broadcast your company’s brand personality, amplify its promotions and further its goals all in a customizable, clean and current way. It is an extension of your business, so tweet with care. Standard business etiquette still applies online. By engaging respectfully and meaningfully you can effectively use Twitter to take your business to the next level.