Everyone’s on social media, but not everyone’s enjoying the experience. Although Facebook ranked lower in the 2012 American Customer Satisfaction Index for social media networks, Twitter received a disappointing 64 points out of a 100 rating. Not one to be indefinitely outdone, Twitter already has designs on an all-new mobile app that they hope will make the network more relevant and user-friendly for mobile users.

tweet treats
Twitter’s new app takes advantage of what’s already working for other social networking mobile apps. The mobile Twitter revamp proposes to more tightly connect users to self-selected movers, shakers, and influencers. Now, they say, you can get even more from 140 characters. While there are a few minor updates that may impact how you use and connect on Twitter, for marketers at least, the following three are what matter most:

  1. Twitter will now send users Push Notifications. At this moment you’re probably fearing this update more than welcoming it, but fear not – Twitter will only send you notifications from the users you directly elect to track. This will help you keep tabs on clients, reporters, influencers, and more importantly competitors, all in real time and all without employing stalker-eque feed monitoring techniques.
  2. Twitter’s new Ambient Notifications offer users a similar degree of tracking simplicity. Soon, users will be able to receive short, unobtrusive notifications in their Twitter status bar while using the app. The content will resemble that of the Push Notifications and will make easy, user-friendly opportunity, loss, and mention tracking simpler than ever.
  3. The devil’s in the details and now Twitter will help stream all those details straight to users, hassle-free. The new feed will let users preview website links, watch videos, and check out photos, all in its mobile app mini-feed. This helps marketers stay plugged into Twitter, even while tuning in to their social network’s online paper trail away from the desk.