It can be easy to get overwhelmed by the vastness, novelty and methodology of social media. With so much information hitting your marketing team so quickly, navigating the storm the right way presents a challenge.
When starting out, many companies fall victim to two of the most common social media missteps:

  • Creating Too Many Social Media Networks
  • Using Social Media Too Passively

However, these can be avoided simply by managing your social media presences as actively and carefully as you manage the rest of your brand’s marketing strategy. Sure, it’s a new medium, but overall, a lot of the same rules still apply.
go only where you need to be
There are A LOT of social media networks out there – as in hundreds. That’s a lot of territory to cover, and just because your company has decided to subscribe to a certain network doesn’t mean that your customers have too. Focus the max of your social media efforts only on the platforms most likely to give you the most return on your time investment, and attempt to master one platform before dividing your social media team’s energy to tackle another.
It’s good to be visible, but if you don’t have the manpower to manage 10+ or even 3+ channels, don’t do it. One well-managed social media network is better than five poorly managed ones. Just make sure you claim your social network space early, before competing interests beat you to the punch.
engage actively
“Build it and they will come,” has rarely been an effective business growth strategy. Social media works the same way. Source traffic actively and guide your customers’ paths through your web and social presences. Avoid just posting random pieces of company news – that type of “content” has low returns on getting results.
Just as with all other communications outreach, you need to give your target a reason to act and tell them exactly how to act. Social media is a great tool for building sentiment, but it’s also a great way to gain traction on real business objectives.