In a sea of e-mails, it is important for your company’s e-blast to attract attention and be noticed. Follow these six effective tips and tricks from our talented web development team to ensure that your subscribers successfully receive your message.
Stand out in the e-mail crowd

  1. Know your target audience. Don’t let your company’s e-blast fall into the dark abyss of deleted e-mails. E-blasts should capture your target audience’s attention with newsworthy information that is relevant to them. Look at who your target audiences are and separate them by generating multiple subscriber lists. Then, tailor the topics and information in your e-blasts to each target audience to ensure that it is opened and read. Remember, quality is better than quantity.
  2. Respect your subscribers. Avoid customer complaints and respect their privacy by hiding your e-mail subscriber lists. Most subscribers do not want their e-mail shared with everyone on your e-blast lists.
  3. To HTML or not to HTML? While HTML e-blasts may elicit a higher response, it is important to make your e-blast plain-text friendly. Some subscribers may not be able to view HTML e-blasts or may block HTML e-mails all together.
  4. Dazzle with your design. The overall look and feel of your company’s e-blast is just as important as the information it contains. Create e-blast designs that are simple, yet effective. Avoid any kind of distortion by making sure that your e-blast is no more than 600 pixels wide. Also, ensure that all the images in your e-blast contain meaningful alt tags with proper a width and height so that the information in the e-blast will still display properly in the event that a subscriber blocks image displays. If you are not sure how your e-blast will look, test it using various e-mail browsers before hitting the send button.
  5. Link it up. Use your e-blast as a tool to direct traffic to your company’s website or social networking sites. Provide links that allow subscribers to not only access your company’s web and social media sites, but that also invites subscribers to provide feedback or request more information.
  6. Study the statistics. Use e-blast distributing software that generates reports about your e-blasts performance. Gather the e-blast’s performance information and use it to your advantage, like optimum sending times.

When done right, e-blasts can successfully market a company, increase their brand awareness, drive traffic to their website and grow their online presence immensely.
