Search engine optimization is a complex content and tech process that’s meant to work in the user’s favor – although that’s not ALWAYS what happens. Google’s already gotten wise to marketers’ methods of manipulating their system and now they’re announcing that cutting corners on content value will no longer cut it.
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Nearly two months ago we predicted the advent of Facebook mobile ads. Well, excited advertisers, the day for your brand’s sponsored stories to hit Facebook’s mobile platform has finally arrived! Early ad tests show positive results, but can the success of mobile pull Facebook’s stock out of its sloppy stumble downhill? And if it can, what will it end up costing users?
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Last year, in San Antonio alone, the creative industry accounted for no less than $4.6 billion in economic activity. The creative industry has grown in a powerful way, vertibably thriving in Texas compared to other recession-time and post-recession industries. And lately, it’s no wonder why. Image focused sharing networks like Pinterest and Instagram have made it even more important than ever for brands to have access to graphic artists and even photographers. Traditional print advertising may be on a decline, but businesses still need creative artists – just ones familiar with a different type of medium. Several companies still serve target demographics that include millions of pinning, instragramming, photo-phile customers who are borderline addicted to their image-focused discovering, sharing, and reposting/pinning social networks.
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You’ve got a big job to do. Whether you serve an entire city of patients, manufacture data system-saving software, or educate communities on the beauty of local art, chances are that you’ve got your hands full serving the customers you have and developing product/service lines to get new ones. Customers take priority – and they should.
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Smart brands use social media and they use it in a way that authentically contributes to their brand’s voice and its industry’s dialogue. Facebook has long been a favorite tool that marketers use to reach out to customers – but the popular platform’s already crowded. Your social media presence must have the edge to gain, not only page Like’s, but also consistent customer Facebook feed airtime. The key to achieving this is content. Your content must answer interests, feed needs, or resolve issues consistently to hold its coveted spot in consumers’ Facebook feeds.
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Every advertiser knows that while necessary to most large campaigns, focus group research can be a pain. How do you entice audiences to give feedback? This can get expensive, difficult to schedule, and difficult to analyze quickly. How do you guarantee that your sample group accurately represents your target customer? This can be tedious, expensive in terms of manpower, and provides only minimal reliability.
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Chances are, if your target market is living and human, then your target market is texting, Facebooking, and Googling. Digital and social don’t just apply to advertising. In recent years public relations has gotten with the program too. Customers DVR shows to fast forward through commercials, get their news from information streams instead of aired reports, and have turned their eyes from bus wraps and billboards, downward toward their smartphones’ glowing screens. To be effective, your story can’t stop at the newsstand. As a modern day PR professional, you must push it into the world of the interactive and engage customers to get them thinking and commenting, and eventually, talking and acting.
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Social media is about connections and conversations. The most successful online networks make it easy for both businesses and average users to manage both. Twitter keeps conversations fresh and tracks mentions, network, and engagement. Facebook constantly unveils new tools to do the same. From an ROI perspective, most other social media networks had a leg up on Foursquare – at least from a social media manager’s perspective. Sure, you could add your location and post specials, but the network’s two-way conversation capabilities and analytics tools were limited. However, now Foursquare is unveiling a new merchant dashboard that allows social media managers to do more, most notably:
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The Internet is vast. One could hardly say that this open, free-flowing network has limited territory, however, what the Internet offers in space, competitors, networkers, and informers occupy with keywords, blogs, and opposing websites. Creating and purchasing a good URL or online address for your company’s website is one of the most important decisions you will make in creating your online identity. A lot of the hot online real estate has already been taken, but there are still plenty of URL possibilities out there waiting for a claim. Think carefully about your business and even if you’re not 100% ready to begin developing a website yet, begin creating and purchasing possible web addresses for your new site now – before all the good ones are gone.
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