
Social Media Management

Social Media Advertisements

Business Situation

Wanting to increase HVAC sales in their peak summer months, Friedrich needed a strategy to create awareness in their various geographic markets quickly in an effort to increase sales. Given the time constraints, the challenges faced by Friedrich were three-fold:

  • No engagement on their social media sites prior to the contest
  • Small fan base, making organic promotions unfeasible
  • Need to raise awareness and buzz in two different geographic regions (Florida and New York/Tri-State area) simultaneously through the same Facebook page


esd developed a campaign through social media to grow this community of leads and to generate a quick online buzz around the Friedrich brand. We created a Facebook ad campaign that included both fan ads and promoted post ads to drive more people to the contest. We tracked analytics daily, allowing us to make small tweaks:

  • A/B tested the “Share” button copy to increase the number of referrals
  • Adjusted copy daily to keep people interested week after week
  • Changed the placement of the contest links to see which would create the highest CTR
  • Modified PPC Facebook advertisements to increase CTR
  • Identified optimal times during the day and week to run advertisements to optimize the limited budget

We can help you sell more, contact us today!


Increased the number of Facebook fans by 200 percent in four weeks

Increased organic reach by 114 percent

Generated 214 new customer leads in four weeks

Referred 604 new visitors to the Friedrich product pages in one month